So, the rosewood necked strat came and went. The nut on it was so badly cut that the g string jumped out of the nut when bending the string! Utter shit and doesn't say much for Fenders quality control.
So it went back and they were sending me another rosewood necked strat but they decided it wasn't saleable for some reason. I've therefore ended up with a maple necked version in black. I'm actually happy about it as I think solid colour strats do look better with a maple board.
It sounds like a strat! Setup on this one is much better and the action is probably a bit too low for me. 9 guage strings too but I cant be arsed to mess about with the action to put 10s on so the 9s will stay for the time being. Stange playing the PRS DGT after thought as that has 11s on it!!
I've bought some locking tuners for the strat which will make it alot easier to re-string and also a short tremolo arm ala Dave Gilmour, as the stock arm felt ridiculous to use.
I'm looking forward to recording with it and also trying out the David Gilmour patch on my Guitar Rig software.
In other news, still no bike ride since January 11th. I convinced myself I've been having a rest whilst the weather has been bad but I am now jonesing for a ride to let the cobwebs go and clear my head. My head has got blocked up with so much shit and I've realised the reason is that I've not been able to get out for a ride. I've always said that bike riding is the only thing that clears my head, alot more than guitar playing does. Which is strange given how much I love the guitar.