Thursday, 29 September 2011

Sunday, 25 September 2011


Did a 15 mile ride yesterday, even though I was really knackered after The Nightwire show on Friday.

That was a lot of fun and we played very well. The sound was excellent too but it's a good job the people I had asked to watch us had turned up. So even though the gig was great, I was left feeling a it disheartened as there were so few people there. I'm starting to get pissed off at playing empty rooms, we're too good for that. Those there enjoyed it but we deserve so much better.

I look around at other acts who are getting recognition and they are nowhere near as good as us. They don't have the songs, the singer or even the backing vocals for that matter or the stage craft. But they know which is the right arse to lick or they are getting the luck that we aren't. To be honest, I don't know how much longer I can go on without getting up to the next level. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that we are still writing such great songs. The bullshit that I hear on the gigging scene is really starting to become a drag and I can't bear it for much longer. having to say to bands you were great when it's so far from the truth, is just fucking stupid. Why can't I say "your so fucking shit and I want to be playing with better bands"

And the lack of common courtesy within the gigging scene is astounding. I lend people bits of gear and get no thanks whatsoever. Or we thank a band from the stage and they can't bring themselve to extend the same thanks to us. Well you know what, fuck em, I can't be arsed to even speak to people like that anymore. If that makes them think I arrogant the so be it. I haven't got time or the energy to deal with people like that any longer.

And it's some of the established artists who are the worst for having no manners whatsoever. We supported a singer who was in a good band and is now playing acoustic (think about the size of bovine animals and singing with a comedy double act) who ignored us basically when we tried to chat with him and couldn't be arsed to watch us or even thank us for playing. Ignorant bastard. Or the Seattle band we supported who couldn't be bothered to watch us because "3 bands is too much music for us to listen to" they were idols of ours, but you should never meet your idols!

We've met a few great people during our time, Friday night being a case in point with the ever supportive Ted and Andie and the lovely Ann Duggan who we supported. But it's always the wankers who stick in my mind and bug me. Thats probably just my problem and I should forget about them, but as you get older, that gets more difficult.

Just take a deep breath.........

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

No fucking time

No fucking time to do anything really*

No bike riding, hardly used the new camera, no recording going on. Mainly because work is really fucking hard at the moment.

The Nightwires have quite a few gigs booked which is great, but my energy levels are low so its hard trying to sort rehearsals for these shows. I'm sure we will be great but I feel I'm getting worn down.

*Sorry for the swearing

Thursday, 8 September 2011

A morning mind clearer

17.99 miles 10.1mph avaerage. Not bad saying first ride for a fortnight. Mad dogs and kamakarzee (sp) squirells.