Monday 28 November 2011

Been busy!!

Not posted for a while. Russ and I have been gigging loads so I've not managed much riding. However, I have obtained the following:

Hope R4 riding light. Not used it yet so report to follow

Iphone 4s. Not actually got it yet so should be picking it up tomorrow. Looking forward to finally getting on the Iphone train. All appled up now: iphone, iPad, Ipod and Macbook Pro!

Now the gigs have finished, I'm hoping to get lots of riding in. I need to clear my head. I love playing with the Nightwires but I'm really not sure if I can go on anymore with it. For the effort, we're getting nowhere. We played in Derby last week and it was a nice venue but so much talking, I found it really offputting. Cant people shut up for 5 fucking minutes!!

I'll try and keep this thing updated. It helps me.