I am now definitely faster on the downs and flats, although the tope gears are tougher to turn than I thought they would be, given I've been ss - ing for 2 and 1/2 years. I realised also that the delay in shifting down from 5 to 4, may be due to the fact that I wasn't pushing the shifter far enough. It still appears a little slow at times, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
Still didn't notice the weight much, even when lifting over obstacles.
So faster on the flat, faster on downs but not faster up. Yes, I can get up things more easilly and on Top Cut climb I did keep in 32 - 18 ish and stomped at the top. However, there is a tendancy for me to get into an easier gear up some climbs where I would have stomped up them in ss mode. Yes, its a case of balancing getting up things more easilly against stomping up them faster. I don't want to keep going into widdling mode, but we will see what happens.
The first half the ride was faster and I got to my stop point about 5 to 6 minutes quicker and that should improve further as I get used to turning harder gears again.
The initial impressions are positive and I think I can ride farther with this setup and hopefully I can get a 30 miler in soon. I got upto 28 mph on the flat today whereas ss I was spinning out at 17 mph tops.
Its made me realise how good gears can be but I'm never going back to traditional derailiuers. Next frame will have a 11 speed Alfine or, money allowing, a Rohloff!!
Some pics:

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